Schafer is the next Percy Harvin. #nuffsaid

Nicky's Stats Schafer's Stats
7 Tackles 38 Tackles
0 interceptions 23 total interceptions
8 Games Played 4 Games Played

Player Ranking Ordered List

  1. Schafer: 99999999999999999 out of 1
  2. Nicky: -----1212345676567876789890898765434565234 out of 491348512349817236481927301041287642475108
  3. Nick Low: 6 out of 10
  4. Jackson didn't play football...Scrub

Schafer clearly dominated the football field....and Nicky and Nick Low.

*This is what Schafer looked like as he was going to the ground when he got hit.*


Against San Leandro high school, Schafer Kraemer was knocked out by a large boy who was clearly offsides.

He got a concussion and was out for 5 weeks.

He came back for our game against Sequoia and had 1 pass deflection.

Schafer finished the season a total of 37 rushing yards, 3 carries, 5 solo tackles, and 13 total tackles. He only played in 3 games the whole season because the doctor wouldn't clear him after his fairly severe hit.

Richard Sherman is a scrub #notthebestinthegame